Hidden Features within Customer Records in FieldEdge

Customers Hidden Features 

With FieldEdge being so expansive, it can be hard to grasp every trick in the book. Typically when learning FieldEdge, most people tend to learn the key points of the product but have no idea about the hidden features that could make their day-to-day easier. 

To wrap-up Customers month, we are going to dive into some hidden settings to help make your lives easier while managing your Customers. 

Contact Methods 

How often does your Company use their Communication Templates?

Odds are, the answer is (and should be) all the time. 

However, did you know that Communication Templates run off of your Customers’ Contact Methods? These methods are determined by how you set up your Customers’ individual settings.

Your Customers can have 3 separate Contact Methods: 

  • Phone
  • Email
  • SMS 

It is a common misconception that you only need to select one of these Contact Methods. Although you could only enable one, we highly recommend enabling all 3. This is because once enabled, your Customer will be contacted through their Primary point of contact using that method or methods you have selected.

To find and edit your Customers’ Contact Methods, select the Edit Customer button on the Customer’s Page and scroll down to the Contacts section.

The "Edit Customer" button in FieldEdge

Fields for contact within the customer page in FieldEdge

Double check with your Customer on how they wish to be contacted. We always recommend having at least Email selected, as all the Communication Templates have an Email Template. 

By having all methods selected, you can ensure all of your Communication Templates are going out to your Customers with ease. 

Bill from Office 

There could be Customers in your system that you know need to be billed from your Office rather than by your Technicians. 

This is typically reserved for commercial work, but there are instances where your Office may want to handle the billing on a residential Customer instead from time to time. 

To prevent your Technicians from billing from the field on certain Customers, you would need to enable a setting called “Bill from Office” 

Located on the Edit Customer screen, scroll down to the Billing Information section and select “Bill from Office”. 

Checked box by "Bill from Office" under Billing Information

This crucial setting will ensure that your Office will handle the billing for those particular Customers, all while still allowing your Technician to complete their Work Order. 

Sneaky Customer Global Settings 

When it comes to your Customers, your database’s Global Settings may not be at the top of your mind to look for configurations. However, there are a few settings that may end up changing your perspective when it comes to your Customer List. 

Customer Defaults

Your Global Settings has two Customer Default settings your company can set up to make creating Customers or Prospects even easier: Tax Codes and Terms. 

Snippet showing default tax code and terms

When selected, FieldEdge will automatically fill out your Company’s most used Tax Code or Terms for you while creating a Customer. This comes in handy when a rapid influx of calls come in and your CSRs are in a time crunch. What may seem simple, gives your CSRs two less options to click on and determine at the first point of contact. 

  • To find your Customer Defaults, locate your databases Global Settings inside of FieldEdge. 
  • Then, scroll down to the Accounting Setting where you will find your Company’s Defaults. 

Snippet showing fields to set account settings in FieldEdge

Customer Display Name Format 

Each Company we work with is different. Some Companies may want to see the Last Name of their Customers first on the list, while others may want the reverse. Luckily, this preference can be determined by your Company inside of your Global Settings. 

  • Scroll down to the Customers section of your Global Settings. 
  • Look for the Customer Display Name Format, and select from the drop-down your Company’s preference! 

Snippet showing how to display the customer name in FieldEdge

Are you struggling with your Customer List? We understand. Contact us today and schedule a free Discovery call to see how we can help you clean up your database!

Learn how we can help your business transition into FieldEdge workflows that best perform for you. Our team at Powerhouse Consulting Group is a certified partner with FieldEdge. We will work with you to understand your workflow, audit your FieldEdge settings, and can provide hands-on training for your team.