Create a Culture of Follow-Ups for FieldEdge Quotes

Quoting is one of the most important aspects of FieldEdge

Quotes allow both your office staff and Technicians to create estimates that turn into sold-work. 

However, the workflow for Quotes can often get lost in the day-to-day. This can result in a chaotic Quotes List and an inaccurate Quote Conversion rating. 

Understanding Quote Conversion

In order for Quotes to be converted into sold-work, a Quote must be Accepted and Scheduled out. When a Quote is Accepted then Scheduled, FieldEdge converts and locks that Quote into a resulting Work Order.

If a Quote is not scheduled out, it will directly impact your Technicians Quote Conversion.

We have found that when the office gets busy, Dispatchers frequently forget to schedule or search for existing Quotes. This results in creating duplicate Work Orders that are completely unrelated to the Quote. 

If a Work Order is created separately from the Quote, they will not be linked. This can especially become cumbersome when a down-payment has been made on the Quote with no way to apply the payment to the new, unrelated Work Order. 

  • The best way to avoid this issue is to establish a system in which your Company double checks your Customers when they call in for pre-existing Quotes. This way your Dispatchers can schedule a Quote out if need be.

Using the Recent List 

The Recent List is a built in list (Report), that FieldEdge provides your office with. This list allows your office staff to see all Quotes that have been recently created. 

It will show you a list of all your Pending, Scheduled, Accepted and Rejected Quotes.

When trying to follow up on your Quotes, you will want to focus on your Pending and Accepted Quotes. 

Accepting or Rejecting Pending Quotes 

Pending Quotes are typically the most forgotten about Quotes. The Pending status inside of FieldEdge is a waiting status. This means any Quote in a Pending state is waiting to be either Approved, or Rejected. 

Snippet showing quote status, including pending, accepted, and rejected.

Since this status is a waiting status, Quotes are typically left in Pending, never to be touched again.

However, Pending Quotes can hurt Quote Conversion if not actioned.

Since these Quotes are awaiting possible approval, if they are not Accepted: FieldEdge automatically looks at these Quotes as a Missed Opportunity. 

This is because every opportunity your Technicians go out to work on is considered a new opportunity for more sold-work. 

By using the Recent list and filtering by the Pending status, your staff can keep on top of your Pending Quotes by either Accepting or Rejecting the Quotes if they need rejection. 

Converting Accepted Quotes into Scheduled Work Orders

Accepted Quotes are Quotes that have been approved by the Customer and are ready to be converted into sold-work. 

It is a common misconception that once a Quote is Accepted, it is automatically Scheduled and converted into a new Work Order. With FieldEdge, that isn’t the case.

Quotes need to be manually scheduled directly from the Accepted Quote. 

Once a Quote has been Accepted, a Schedule button will appear next to the right side of the Quote. 

Snippet showing a quote with a pending status

Snippet showing the newly visible "Schedule" button once the quote has been accepted

Use the Schedule button to schedule out the Quote as a Work Order. 

By scheduling out the Accepted Quote, you will directly impact your Quote Conversion Rate into sold-work, resulting in better Conversion Rate. 

Are Quotes and Quote Conversion becoming a major stressor for your business? 

Reach out to us and learn how we can help your business transition into FieldEdge workflows that best perform for you. Our team at Powerhouse Consulting Group is a certified partner with FieldEdge. We will work with you to understand your workflow, audit your FieldEdge settings, and can provide hands-on training for your team.


Do you need to simplify your customer records? Look no further than Global Settings! Learn more in last week’s blog post – Simplify Customer Records with Global Settings